So many entrepreneurs focus much of our time on growing our businesses. We prioritize and multi-task, balancing work life with family life, and our commitment to being a good friend while fulfilling community responsibilities.

But too often, we fail to take our own well-being into consideration. We as women are not opting to make self-care a priority. We believe that self-care can be selfish if we ignore what we perceive as our obligations to help other people or focus on business growth.

Just because we are moving doesn’t mean we are getting somewhere. The guilt-gene has consumed our bodies.

Ladies, it is time to reclaim our lives. Stop letting the success of a business define you.

Don’t wait for an emergency or a defining moment in your life to show you that your own self-care has been put on the back burner. Ignoring your well-being can be detrimental, long-lasting, and even life-threatening.

The medical issues are not all that need our attention. What about a quiet walk in the park, turning off the television for a few hours, or removing yourself from social media for a day so you can address your emotional well-being?

I was that woman who put off mammograms, failed to make gynecology exams, missed spa appointments, and couldn’t remember when I had my last eye exam because I took on too much stuff that was unrelated to me getting closer to my own personal goals.

Now, I have a routine that I think will work for you. I start each day by doing something for myself. It could be a quick 3-minute meditation, my morning prayer, or the usual workout.

Your health is your real wealth, and if you are not healthy, you certainly will not be at your maximum potential to successfully operate your business.

Here are some other things to try:

  1. Learn the value of “NO.”
  2. Own your time by allocating a time-out schedule.
  3. Discipline yourself to focus on what really brings you joy.

Being successful at enduring “busy-ness” is not the same as being successful at managing your business. Make it your business to include self-care as a part of your success factor.

As president of OWN: Onyx Woman Network, Ola Jackson has been and gives a voice to women in business through Onyx Woman magazine, women’s conferences and talks, and a television talk show. She also started the fashion, cooking, and self-care blog Your Stylish Ways.