Dayna Delgado

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Dayna Delgado’s superb eye for capturing beauty developed when she was just a child. Back in the 9th grade, when given the choice between metal/wood shop and digital communications, she chose the latter and fell in love. Soon enough, Dayna could be seen with an ever present camera around her neck and she often spent her lunch periods in the dark room, developing her shots. She honed her craft through her entire time in high school. Once digital methods of capturing photographs hit the scene, Dayna taught herself all aspects of the medium. When photography changed, she changed with it. For years to come, Dayna put the camera down and found herself in office settings as a receptionist or personal assistant. While working in an office, Dayna found that she was pregnant and after a while, it was time to go on maternity leave. Having always returned to work after a leave, this time was different. She noticed that her son wasn’t quite hitting the expected milestones and was soon diagnosed with autism and a sensory disorder. Given this development, Dayna decided to focus on caring for her son instead of returning to the office. One fateful day, a friend came over to take pictures for a birthday party at Dayna’s home. Knowing that Dayna needed to make some extra income for her family, the friend offered to give her the camera and printer that she was using so that she could get started. This was the first step in a series of events that would bring her back to her love of photography. Armed with her borrowed camera and printer, Dayna began to take and print pictures at local establishments such as bars, and lounges. After a while, patrons started asking if she did other kind of work, such as wedding photography. Even if she had never tried her hand at it before, Dayna always responded with a resounding, “Yes” and then taught herself before she had to shoot the event. She began to build her craft through experience, self -education, and her God-given gift. Now a seasoned and trusted photographer, Dayna has won multiple awards for her work. She has had the opportunity to capture many weddings, graduations, and she has also shot various celebrities and politicians. Dayna has expanded her repertoire to include product, real estate, and pet photography. She is also known as the go-to photographer for fashion photoshoots, as well as corporate and personal headshots. Dayna never returned to that office setting and has been building a life and business capturing beauty and realness.