As women in business, many times (in both life and work), when we feel like we’ve hit a wall or stalled out, we think we need to do something more—pursue graduate school, future-proof your life, quit your corporate job to become an entrepreneur. 

What if, in the face of burnout, exhaustion, or overwhelm, you didn’t need to sign yourself up for more? What if all you needed to do was start to pay attention to how your world is unfolding naturally in front of you? 

You Are Something New: Life Lessons to Radically Change How You Show Up in Business is a new book calling you to a classic life lesson: to pay attention.  Because, as the title suggests, you’re something new every day—if you choose to pay attention.  

As women, we’re told we have to be everything, to everyone all at once. We do it so naturally that we are often caught up in everyone’s business, emotions, needs, and to do items that we miss opportunities to reflect on our own experiences. When we’re in that state, we glaze over daily or weekly lessons that have the power to shift how we show up to our work or careers. 

This book is an opportunity to reignite your self-reflection power—to consider how stories, opportunities, and challenges from your life have shifted how you show up in business.

This is not your traditional, academic business book; where you would expect to see research, facts, and figures, you will read personal narratives and experience reflective questions. More so, it’s a read built to inspire you to do the most important work our world needs now: to bring more of your humanity into how you do business.

You Are Something New is purposely built as a short-read with ten short and digestible chapters. Each chapter can be read in less than ten minutes and includes a short narrative, a business lesson, and a handful of good, deep questions, called “prompts for radical change.” These questions are designed to inspire you to think about your own journey through life and work.

Though reading the book from start to finish will take you several short sessions or perhaps one two-hour flight, the real work begins at the end of each chapter where a reader will find a handful of ‘prompts for radical change’—deep questions that relate to the narrative and the lesson to help you see the connection to the work and your own life. 

You Are Something New is a short read with a powerful call to action: pay attention to the lessons in your life, be ready to connect the dots across various aspects of your life and work, and know that you are something new every, single day that you pause to reflect on your experience and how you show up for both life and work. 

Get your copy here:

Meg Seitz is the founder and CEO of toth shop, a communications agency that focuses on a human, holistic approach to branding, marketing, and communications. Since 2014, the toth shop team has helped companies, c-suite leaders, and emerging brands articulate their expertise, talent, and value to the world by identifying storytelling gold nuggets that resonate with humans, as well as helping create compelling content and brand-building assets.