I recently heard on Clubhouse someone call lawyers a “necessary evil.” He spent significant money defending himself in a trademark litigation matter. What he did not know was that he could have likely saved tens of thousands of dollars if he had invested early in a simple trademark filing that would have cost a mere fraction of his litigation expenses.
Much of the advice we see on social focuses on “growth,” “scaling,” and “making 6-figures quick!” We spend so much money on ads, funnels, and courses geared towards growth. What does not get emphasized enough is the importance of protecting your names, content, and business with simple trademark and copyright filings, and contracts to save you time and money. Having the right legal protections in place early is a form of insurance to prevent wildly expensive disputes down the road.
It pains me when clients come to me and say that they heard from so and so that they didn’t need to file for their trademark or copyright; or that they had a handshake deal that went south; or that they had taken a contract they found online and now they realized the terms didn’t protect their business. When clients come to me in these situations, it is expensive and time consuming to resolve. So many of these issues could have been prevented with a simple filing or contract drafting for minimal fees.
I’m on a mission to set the record straight, and give all entrepreneurs and business owners these three simple legal protection recommendations to help them stay protected and profitable.
The 3 Simple Legal Protections to Save You Time and Money: Work with an intellectual property (IP) lawyer and invest early in your:
- TRADEMARKS: Run a trademark search and file to register your trademark.
- COPYRIGHTS: File a copyright to protect your core content or programs.
- CONTRACTS: Have the right contracts in place that protects you and your business.
Savvy business owners do not view lawyers as necessary evils. Rather, they work with counsel as strategic partners to get the right legal protections in place early to save significant expense down the road.