The never ending worry about what you are going to wear to your next event is now resolved. Imagine a consistent, monthly flow of new wardrobe selections delivered right to your home? You do not
have to imagine it anymore when you take action and subscribe to Dr. Shellie Hipsky’s all new business venture! And of course, Dr. Shellie presented this opportunity to all in celebratory style. Dr. Shellie partnered with the Women’s Collective Charity Fashion show, to bring a night of fashion filled desires, with a true spirit of helping to make a difference.
Do you love your wardrobe? Have you considered a complete closet overhaul? If there is in your near future:
A sought after job interview
A date night with your chosen partner
A wedding you are attending
Any other special occasion
Or just because you feel like more wardrobe choices for your day-to-day
Look no further, your wait is over! At her recent event, Dr. Shellie Hipsky launched her new Style Swap fashion business with a combined effort to raise awareness for a rare childhood cancer. Laughter, fun, glam, and a heartfelt speech from a mother whose daughter lost her battle with cancer were all a part of an evening of impact. Models walked the runway with confidence, skill, and sophistication. When Dr. Shellie took to the runway she added her high energy flare for fashion, which was contagious in getting the crowd excited to get their hands on the clothes offered through Dr. Shellie’s Style Swap. Audience members even participated in a spirited chant of swap, swap, swap as Hipsky swapped out her elegant black dress modeled right there on the runway, to reveal a beautiful red evening dress! This was a brilliant way to showcase the fantastic quality of clothes a customer gets to choose from when they subscribe to Dr. Shellie’s Style Swap site. Dr. Shellie stated, “I had a blast modeling and sharing my new fashion venture as we raised important funds to fight a rare childhood cancer.”
The idea of Dr. Shellie’s Style Swap is to allow for the customer to have options that are custom chosen by you! Every month you get to choose clothing selections filling up your online closet and they will be sent to you two at a time. Once you wear them there is no need to wash them, just place them in the provided postage paid bag, and mail it out! When the outfit is received, the company will then send you the next item from the styles you chose! This is known as the rent, return, repeat model. Many are signing up with excitement for new clothes, without having to spend an insane amount for them. This style swap is like having a revolving closet with never ending options. In addition, if you receive an outfit you absolutely cannot live without, you have the option to purchase.
Those who are familiar with Dr. Shellie know her passion for collaborating. Her achievements, titles, and accolades are well earned in her pursuit to bring about positivity in every new venture she chooses to align herself with. As our Editor and Chief of Inspiring Lives Magazine, CEO of Inspiring Lives International, and the Founder of the Global Sisterhood non-profit – Dr. Shellie is on a mission to connect business with meaningful and effective change for good, on a Global scale.
For those who want to be a part of receiving their own personalized selections, starting with a 20 Day Free Trial visit: https://www.
If you want to learn more about Dr. Shellie Hipsky and how you can join her efforts, feel free to visit her website at:
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