3 Ways Social Media Can Catapult Your Business to Success

What an exciting time to be alive and become an entrepreneur. Thanks to the Internet and the lightning-speed advancement in digital technology, you now have seamless access to endless opportunities at the tip of your fingers. In addition, the advent of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, has made scaling up your business, going global, and connecting to customers worldwide possible, not to mention more economical.

In this article, Will Cotter, owner of HappyCleans, a professional cleaning company in Oklahoma, shares his insights on how social media is an undeniably valuable tool for growing whatever type of business you have.

Generate high-quality leads 

Posting content that will attract your targeted audience is an excellent way to magnet leads. Having a million followers on social media does look good on the surface and warrants bragging rights. However, it’s important to note that the priority should be to convert them into high-quality leads, from likers and commenters to actual buyers making a purchase and boosting your revenue.

  • Identify your target market and research what types of content they gravitate more to.
  • Post consistently until you have enough data to analyze and learn the best times to post or what kind of content is more likely to get viral or ignored.
  • Stay on brand but be creative with how you deliver content.
  • Always put a call to action in your posts and add links to landing pages or relevant hashtags.
  • Do not be tempted to get bot followers — they’re never going to buy anything!

Raise brand awareness 

Social media levels the playing field for all businesses, whether big or small. It provides a platform to tell your target customers about who you are, what you do, what products or services you offer, what causes you advocate for, and what sets you apart from the competition.

  • Create a brand persona your customers can relate to and use when posting on social media.
  • Use viral or meme-worthy graphics.
  • Stay up to date with the latest trending topics.
  • Tap popular influencers to spread the word about your brand and products.

Create meaningful connections with your customers 

Help customers love your brand by giving them a human-like relationship. Make them feel seen, heard, and appreciated with these tips. This way you can

  • Encourage customers to give social proof by sharing a photo of themselves with your products or services.
  • Re-share or shout out to customers posting about you.
  • Listen to suggestions about new products/services.
  • Create a branded hashtag customers can use when they post about you.
  • Engage in the comment section in a kind and respectful manner.
  • Respond promptly and effectively when customers provide feedback, whether good or bad.
  • Set up an automated reply with details directing them to proper channels if you cannot monitor your social media accounts all the time.

All of these ways can help you to create a successful business by leveraging social media.

Will Cotter is a young entrepreneur who made the transition from a desk job as an engineer to running his own startup from home. I started a local cleaning service called HappyCleans (HappyCleans.com) a few years ago. The idea was to save time and create transparency for consumers (particularly for tech-loving millennials) by making it possible to get an instant quote and book a clean online from a trusted professional in just 60 seconds. HappyCleans has created hundreds of jobs and allowed Will to pursue his goals of traveling and working remotely.