Please read and say out loud: I absolutely have what it takes to make my life and my business extraordinary. Ok, say it again! I’m cheering you on as you make this declaration.
How? You may be asking. Get really clear on what you desire and dream of and only focus on all things necessary to manifest your desires with ease (though not without effort).
What would your life look like if you really went for it? If you accomplished the things you only admit to craving in your heart and mind. The more you focus on what could happen if you really showed up for yourself, the more you will be guided toward your own mega success.
What the world needs right now are confident women who are proud of being superstars, rock stars, icons, moguls, queens, angels, or whatever avatar you refer to yourself as when you are feeling on top of the world. We don’t have to be driven by our egos, become self-obsessed, or turn into workaholics to have the success we desire, as long as we remember that we are no more or no less deserving than anyone else, only capable of and willing to claim our purposes and living our dreams.
If you’re committed to continuous growth in your life, you have to get clear on your desires. We can’t keep living our lives the same way and expect a different result. So no matter where you are in your journey, if you’re one of those out there right now thinking, “Yes, it’s time to create more for me—it’s time to do something different,” then here are four ways to make your life and your business extraordinary.
DREAM IN COLOR Imagine in detail what life would look like if there were no limitations or consequences. This is the part that nobody else can help you with—it’s between you and your maker. Take ownership of what you are going to pursue, invest in, and spend your time on. Give yourself permission to have everything you need to be in your power, with all of the time and resources to keep you happy, excited, and at your best.
TAKE ACTION & GET SUPPORT How well are you set up for success in your weekly routines and habits? It’s possible you need to make some key changes or invest better in your wellness. Do you need to get to bed earlier and get up earlier? Does hiring the personal trainer to work on your fitness or the personal assistant or housekeeper to free up more of your time make sense for you? What is going to be different about your life that will have you more fully in your power? Commit to taking action and getting the support that you need.
COLLABORATE WITH OTHERS There are women out there really living their dreams! Go find them, and hang out with them!
Soak up their energy, get their advice, be mentored by them. Most are willing to share how they’ve created their success and will get you there even faster than they did. Also, find a community that will be there for you in creating the major changes you wish to see. The more support you allow yourself, the more you will be able to create and therefore give, and the more powerful you will become.
Women entrepreneurs know how to band together, because they know there is always more we can accomplish by joining forces and supporting each other. And while working together can be a great benefit for everyone involved, it’s also important to have fun with other women who are up to big things in the world and know how to live beautifully, too.
HAVE FAITH AND TRUST It’s crucial that you believe your desires are in you for a reason. Maybe no one else can hear what’s inside you, but that does not make it wrong or impossible. You get what you focus on and you attract what you believe, so you have to do the work of anchoring in your vision and having full faith that it is meant for you. Make sure you meditate on your desires daily, spend time with your vision board, journal, and do affirmations to attract the miracles you need. There are so many books and resources out now on the law of attraction. Choose one, and do the work.
Want more ways to make your life and your business extraordinary and set yourself up for your best year ever? I invite you to download my 7 Steps to a Successful Side Hustle. It’s a free handout and audio training. You can use these 7 steps to create anything you desire: lose weight, have a better relationship, make more money, get out of debt, and yes, create your successful business.