Depending on which study or article you read, a woman either can or can’t have it all.

Cheryl Liew-Ching

No matter what, there is no denying being a female in the current world is stressful. Managing a job, family, and other passions and interests can leave anyone a mess, wondering how to gain more hours in the day. It can make one wonder “How do others do it?”

One woman says you can’t do it all. It’s actually a balance. It’s about taking a whole-day approach rather than fitting certain activities into tiny time blocks. One needs to become a “24-Hour Woman.”

Cheryl Liew-Chng, the author of the bestselling book of the same name, is an in-demand international speaker (, trainer, coach, and CEO/founder ofLifeWorkz—an Asian-based firm whose mission is to guide individuals in more effectively creating, redesigning, and transitioning to “lives most excellent.” Having served in leadership positions and navigated several career transitions in many industries—while also attending graduate school and raising three boys—Cheryl experienced challenges and eventually uncovered the secrets to a life of abundance and vibrancy. Today, as a global thought leader and entrepreneur, Cheryl guides high-level executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, and stay-at-home moms in activating their potential—inspiring them to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

“In this ‘always-on’ global world with increasing work-life demands and career/ business opportunities,” she explains, “the 24-Hour Woman has the wisdom to know that managing it all does not mean having it all. Rather, it means consciously designing a life of happiness and fulfillment.

“We all experience stress, yet, the 24-Hour Woman masters the art of navigating life successfully, living a life most excellent—defined by joy and vibrancy.

So what does a typical day look like for a 24-Hour Woman? Liew-Chng stresses it plays to that particular woman’s strengths. If a woman is most productive in the morning, then she should work in the morning. If she usually is tired between 1–3 pm, then she should take that time to be with her family, take a walk, or rest. While it may add more hours to the workday, ultimately, it creates a better balance and makes for a more productive and happier individual.

“Because there are common themes that arise for women in all cultures, and those include:

  • I can’t do that. People will judge me.
  • I just gotta work harder.
  • Work-life balance is not possible.”

Liew-Chng also emphasizes her method is not just for working women. Stay-at-home-moms are just as busy and are in just as much need of balance.

“Each of us has 24 hours in a single day; why is it that some women find success, happiness, and

fulfillment in their days while others discover only frustration and fatigue? Offering a smart woman’s guide to living a vibrant life that is true to your legacy, The 24-Hour Woman Mastery Program is beyond a time management program. This is a comprehensive training program to help women live a fulfilling and vibrant life in spite of having just 24 hours per day and multiple roles to fulfill.”

Liew-Chng encourages stay-at-home moms to read and benefit from The 24-Hour Woman. She suggests that they stay busy, volunteer, and keep skills sharp in some capacity, as many will return to the workforce one day The 24-Hour Woman can also be helpful for those who want to transition to a better place in their life or career as well. Learning to maintain that life balance while gathering needed skills can make taking on a new job or the career you really want much more manageable.

So what advice does Liew-Chng have for a woman looking to rise to a better place?

“Consciously design your transition plan. Ensure she keeps herself skilled in what the future of work is about—technical skills plus soft /people skills. See opportunities in the midst of the not-so-positive environment and seize them.”

So what kinds of things stop a woman from being successful?

  • The themes that we allow to play in our lives that are not moving us forward.
  • Not having the courage to step out or to ask for help.
  • Not playing big and stepping into her awesomeness.

And what can the 24-Hour Woman do when her to-do list is endless? Liew-Chng’s answers are practical and sanity-saving there, as well:

  • Prune the to-do list to only those that add value to what matters most to her and her legacy.
  • Enlist help.
  • Start with small wins.

In the end, it all comes down to what Liew-Chng considers the Five Pillars of the 24-Hour Woman:

  • Appreciation
  • Awareness
  • Acceptance
  • Accountability
  • Action

Has it made Liew-Chng’s own life easier? Definitely! Her workday is based on what matters most that season. Meals are planned. A huge calendar in her kitchen keeps her family’s schedule organized. She enlists the help of others so she is not struggling alone. She sneaks in small moments, especially with her three sons. And she also makes sure she exercises and stays hydrated, which she stresses in all of her lessons.

Liew-Chng emphasizes that the 24-Hour Woman is the way work will be in the future. The typical 9–5 is going “the way of the dinosaur.” The modern workforce is relying on skills and bringing workers in as needed. Those workers are more home-based and set their own standards and hours. Her book and methods are ready to show you how to balance and perfect this new way of life.