Every individual is born with innate gifts. Dr. Nadir Qazi has taken his gift to help others and leveled up! His focus and expertise are defined as he sheds light on the many reasons his clients pursue cosmetic surgery. Qazi Cosmetic Clinic located in Irvine, California is where Dr. Qazi creates highly sought after results for those who seek his clever treatment choices. Qazi’s clinic has been featured in such media outlets as Forbes, Fox News, NBC News, Business Insiders, as well as other platforms. There is personal incentive for Qazi to be involved in this field, due to his own reality with severe Cystic acne as a teenager. Living for the success stories of his patients is part of Qazi’s mission. “My ‘Why’ is to assist people in confidence building,” stated Qazi.
The importance of credibility is all in the authenticity of performing services. Qazi is ethical in every aspect of his patient’s care. Where many doctors are worried about quantity of patients seen, Dr. Qazi ensures his quality of care is of utmost priority. Qazi’s patients can be assured service with integrity when they seek his professional guidance. One area of significant focus is on the condition of melasma. Dr. Qazi states that, “this is a chronic condition due to genetics.” For a person who lives with melasma, this can decrease self-esteem. This is why finding the most effective treatment plan can be crucial for patients. Medical grade chemical peels are a treatment option offered for melasma at Dr. Qazi’s clinic. Qazi disclosed that melasma, “can’t just be covered with makeup’ and people have tried many things typically before they come to him.
Other services a patient can check out through Qazi’s clinic include acne, facials, laser treatments, and many more. Interested individuals can visit his website at qaziclinic.com to learn the plethora of services offered to meet their specific needs.
One attribute that sets Dr. Qazi apart from others is that he is not interested in petty practice methods in comparison with doctors in the industry. Qazi is an advocate of the, “exchange of knowledge between doctors, not competition when it comes to patient’s safety,” stated Qazi. This energy is implemented into the medical world as Qazi, “receives messages from doctors around the world.” Qazi is greatly respected for his work as he trains doctors in, “understanding right skin type in patients, and in energy devices that cause not as much heat on the skin” stated Qazi. Precise attention to every detail on a situational basis is imperative when patients are counting on Qazi for the best outcomes possible. A powerful message that Dr. Qazi wants to get across is that of erasing a stigma aligned with cosmetic surgery. “In general, I want to take away taboo stereotypes that these procedures are about vanity.”
Qazi stated that a concern is that, “many people think you won’t look natural.” In reality Qazi can attest to the fact the results are typically,“ a more refreshed version of themselves.” There is no room for judgement in the mind of Qazi as he seeks an environment of welcoming staff and appreciation for looking and feeling your best. When the source of a cosmetic issue can be resolved with natural solutions, one need look no further than to Dr. Qazi. This approach draws in celebrities whom have heard of Qazi’s reputation for impeccable and knowledgeable treatments. The high standards Qazi sets for his patients are all stemming from basic human propriety. Qazi respects that each person who comes to him, is an individual seeking physical improvements, to enhance their mental health.
According to Qazi, “when a patient sees the results are so good, it gives them motivation to continue with regimen.” This is especially important when striving for visually appealing results in battling acne. An abundance of individuals suffer from acne prone skin. Qazi emphasizes that, “once acne gets under control he can do acne treatments, then work on acne scar removal.” Treatments Qazi provides for unpleasant acne issues include, cortisone shots, medical grade chemical peels, and laser acne treatments. Seeking the advisement of Qazi is a great way to begin your journey to healthier skin.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. Nadir Qazi please visit his website at: www.qaziclinic.com