Growing old is optional; growing up is mandatory! I know it sounds backwards right?
What I mean is that I have grown up enough to know exactly who I am, and that’s my recipe for staying young. One of the biggest lessons I have learned is to be more concerned with my reflection in the world than my reflection in the mirror, and let me explain why!
Experiencing new missions, new experiences, new people, and finding the magic in the mundane — that’s what I am talking about. I have learned that what I focus on expands and becomes my reality. When I choose to focus on the endless possibilities that surround me, like being of service to others and enjoying an evening of dancing here and there, I love my reality. Every time I decide to focus on what works in my life, that’s when I realize life itself expands endlessly! I am also proud to say that it has expanded with the bounty of unexpected gifts and miracles, large and small.
When I see that every moment may contain a new insight, a new discovery or even an epiphany, who has time to focus on getting older? It’s when I finally release the past with all its heartbreaks, hurts, and disappointments, and instead choose to look forward to what’s around the next corner without fear and with great anticipation. That’s when I finally found myself free to peacefully connect to the present and, more importantly, that’s when I found myself all together courageous, passionate, loving, generous, and filled with my favorite thing “Joie de vivre — Joy for life”! I had the right to claim my victory, as it was truly mine! I knew then and I know now that I have the power to sustain this victorious path I forged for myself.
I discovered that being the best companion I can be for myself has also created a wonderful force in the lives of others. I feel blessed, and as I grow to accept myself unconditionally, I find I like myself more. In turn, I feel I am worthy of being the best for myself by eating well, exercising, meditating, practicing yoga, staying in shape, and making sure I feed myself with words of affirmation and positivity to maintain emotional balance and to keep my stress at bay.
What I am discovering by following this philosophy is that the best friend I could ever make is ME, and this ME is this ageless, timeless best ME who looks pretty good in the mirror!