There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to fitness. Yet, when we look at the marketing for gyms, exercise formats, and fitness influencers the image seems to be the same. That is to look a certain way to show just how fit you are. For the years, I have been presenting in the fitness world, it is obvious that I don’t fit into this model. I was even told by a marketing company that I was too fat to represent my own company AMPD Strong. From that moment on, it has become my passion and goal to change the look of fitness.

Being fit means many different things to many people. And it usually starts with looks. But it is so much more. And size does not equal one’s fitness level. The average person will never look like the models and advertisements. The pressure put on us, and especially on women to look and feel a certain way has made many feel like they aren’t worthy.

We need to start showcasing what we all look like and feel like. And start showing that people of all sizes can be fit and do amazing things. Showcase the journeys. The stories. And showcase that no matter what you look like, you are beautiful.  Love yourself!

Even with people criticizing my body every time I get on stage, I surprise them. I hold my own and make them work hard. I show them modifications are needed sometimes and to use them and not be ashamed. I want to show gyms and other fitness locations that using real people for their marketing will be a good thing. I do it every single day, and it is the best decision I could have made. And more people want to see that. I can’t tell you how many appreciate seeing a variety of ages, sizes, and abilities. Representation of a variety of sizes and shapes is important and inclusive.

Amy Moreland, an advocate for changing the look of fitness, is the CEO and founder of AMPD Strong, a group fitness certification and workout program with choreography-based movement. AMPD Strong started in 2013 with their signature kettlebell workout and has grown to seven programs being taught by over 8,000 trainers in nine different countries. Through a body-positive lens, Amy equips trainers to make a difference in others’ lives by providing certification to teach her programs, which are created to be fun and accessible to all fitness levels. She refused to hire fitness models for her marketing, but instead showcased her real self—a body that is strong, but may not fit the stereotype when compared to others in the industry. Amy’s passion is to showcase that fitness is for every body, and that strength isn’t defined by outward appearance. Amy is also an international fitness presenter and has graced the massive stages of Fibo, IDEA World, CanFitPro Global Convention, Fitness + Wellness Australia, SCW Mania, FitExpo, and DCAC. Through owning a fitness studio for ten years, Amy has numerous certifications in group fitness, she’s an ACE certified group trainer, and is a member of both Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) and National Exercise Trainers Association (NETA). Amy lives in Pennsylvania and enjoys taking classes led by her trainers, spending time with her husband and two adult daughters, and shopping.